Being camp director for over 25 years I have “raised” a lot of kids. Having a camp for children to begin when they are six years old and continue until they are 18 gives us a lot of summers to help them live with their diabetes. My vision for camp has always been to meet the camper where they are with their diabetes and move them to the next level in both health care are self-value, my second objective is to impact the parents to not only let the child move on but to set their own goals and keep themselves healthy. I truly believe that leading by example is more effective than lecturing, that is why myself and I’m sure Dr. Jones both daily challenge ourselves both physically and mentally. We know it is not easy but we know giving up is not the answer, I take these core values to camp every year and hopefully instill them in the campers. What better way to develop our future leaders than in a place that promotes health, self-worth, spiritual growth along with fun and laughter. Being probably one of the only FREE camps in the country I am proud to say that I have made a difference and pledge to continue striving to bring the best of myself to camp each year.